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Ep. 116: Greg Wyshynski & Zainab Johnson

Come to America and bring some new recipes with you – it’s a brand new episode of Go Fact Yourself!

Greg Wyshynski is the Senior NHL writer for ESPN. He writes about hockey after a lifetime of being a fan of the sport; as such, he’s seen it change a lot over the years. While he thinks making changes for player safety should always be applauded, there’s a part of him that will always miss the fights on the ice. You can find more of Greg’s thoughts on hockey on the podcast “Puck Soup.”

Zainab Johnson is a comedian and actor. She can be seen on the Amazon Prime show “Upload,” where her character showcases the ability to succeed at some unorthodox sports. She’ll explain. Plus, she’ll tell us about the finer points of why getting booked in Hollywood hardly ever comes down to talent.

Our guests will compete to answer trivia questions about diverse casts in movies and diverse dishes on cooking shows.

What’s the Difference: Health Food

What’s the difference between healthy and healthful?

What’s the difference between taste and a flavor?

Areas of Expertise:

Greg: The Food Network programming, Taco Bell, and the band The Smashing Pumpkins.

Zainab: The movie Coming to America, Lauryn Hill’s song “The Ex-Factor,” and traditional American breakfast foods.

Appearing in this episode:

J. Keith van Straaten

Helen Hong

Greg Wyshynski with his headphones and microphone. He's in a zoom window and smiling at the camera.

Greg Wyshynski

Zainab Johnson in a zoom window smiling at the camera. She's wearing a towel on her head!

Zainab Johnson

With guest experts:

John Landis in a zoom window smiling at the camera. He's wearing glasses.

John Landis, writer, producer and director of several films including Coming to America.

Alton Brown smiling at the camera in the zoom window. He's wearing thick horn-rimmed glasses.

Alton Brown, Best-selling author and Peabody-winning host of several shows on “The Food Network”

Go Fact Yourself was devised and is produced by Jim Newman and J. Keith van Straaten, in collaboration with Maximum Fun.

Theme Song by Jonathan Green.

Live show engineer is Dave McKeever.

Maximum Fun’s Senior Producer is Laura Swisher.

Associate Producer and Editor is Julian Burrell.

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