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Well, actually… It’s Great!

This is easily one of my favorite podcasts. I love getting a laugh and learning at the same time! The hosts are amazing and make me laugh every episode.


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Go Fact Yourself is sponsored by the members of the Maximum Fun podcast network. To become a member of MaxFun and support Go Fact Yourself and other great shows like it, visit the Donation page.

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You can sponsor Go Fact Yourself in a few ways. The first and easiest is the Maximum Fun Jumbotron, available here on the MaxFun website. Personal messages (birthday wishes, shout-outs to friends, a love note, etc.) cost $100 and Promotional messages (ads for your business or project, for example) cost $200. Visit the Jumbotron page for details and to book your spot now!

Customized ad

We’ll custom-write you an ad and perform it live on the show! Past advertisers include authors, law firms, clothing companies, and some dude’s Instagram account. Message us below for details!

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Have a question? Want to leave some feedback? Just enjoying the show and want to let us know about it? We’re happy to hear from you! Just send us a message.

If you’re sending in a suggestion for our “What’s the Difference?” round, please include your first and last name, how it’s pronounced, and your location (city, state/country).

For “What’s the Difference” Suggestions: